Both the Huygens Institute and the Meertens Institute are part of the Humanities Cluster (HuC) of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) and within this organization, I am responsible for the Collection Management of the collections of the Meertens Institute. Next to being Manager Collections, my role is to facilitate innovation as Senior Research Data Manager. My aim is to provide access to cultural information. And my focus is on collections, ICT and Digital Humanities.
2020 - up till now: Manager Collections and Senior Research Data Manager - Huygens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - KNAW)
PhD candidate at University of Amsterdam (UvA).
Chair of Humanities Cluster work group 'Collections & GDPR'.
Privacy Coordinator Collections, Humanities Cluster (HuC).
Chair of the Spatial and Digital History network of the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC).
Affiliated member of NL-Lab (KNAW - Humanities Cluster).
Panel member Artist of the Year (Stichting Kunstweek).
2011 - 2020: Manager Collections, Meertens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - KNAW)
Member of the Management Team of the Meertens Institute.
Member KNAW work group 'Research Data' (2014 - 2017).
Partner in Parthenos EU project (2015 - 2017).
Member of the SURFsara working group 'Research Data Management, Engagement' (LCRDM) (2016-2017).
Member KNAW project team 'Towards a digital, sustainable and accessible archive' (2017).
Chair of the KNAW Working Group Open Access & Digital Durability (2014-2016).
Advisor to the Netwerk Digitaal Erfgoed, NDE, Network Digital Heritage (2014 - 2015).
2008 - 2011: Coordinator External Cooperation (Project Manager, ICT Consultant & Researcher), Meertens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - KNAW).
2006 - 2008: ICT Consultant, department for ICT Services - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). From 2006 until 2008 I was a member of the KNAW Collection Working Group.
2004 - 2006: Researcher and Project leader, Meertens Institute (Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences - KNAW). From 2002 until 2005 I was, as part of the KNAW, a committee member of the Visual Culture Working Group of the Huizinga Instituut.
2001 - 2004: Information and Collection Specialist, department of History Studies at the Netherlands Institute for Scientific Information Services (NIWI) - Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
1996 - 2000: Assistant Provincial Archaeologist and Archaeological Field Research Coordinator, Joan Willems Stichting.
1992 - 1995: Tour Guide at the Netherlands Maritime Museum.
2024: Course ‘Coaching Leadership’, Yearth.
2020: Course 'LEAN, green belt’, ICM Opleidingen & Trainingen.
2019: Result & Development Interview Training, Leeuwendaal Training.
2019: Course 'LEAN, yellow belt’, ICM Opleidingen & Trainingen.
2018: Course ‘AVG in de Praktijk’ (GDPR in Practice), Nederlandse Privacy Academie (NPA).
2017: Course 'Privacy and archives', Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
2015: Programming 2 (Software Development - CS50), Faculty of Science (School of Informatics), University of Amsterdam, incl. C, PHP, SQL, JavaScript.
2013: Programming 1 (Software Development - CS50), Faculty of Science (School of Informatics), University of Amsterdam, incl. C, PHP, SQL, JavaScript.
2012: Course 'Archiving and Archivists', Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
2010: GIS course, Alfalab.
2005: Course MapInfo (GIS), Geodan.
2003: Course Digital Cultural Heritage, Maastricht University.
2002: Course Digitaliseren Historische Foto’s, SEPIA (Safeguarding European Photographic Images for Access).
2000-2001: Master Information and Document Management, Erasmus University Rotterdam.
1989-1995: MA History, University of Amsterdam, International Relations (Master thesis supervisor: W. Ten Have, former director of the Centre for Holocaust and Genocide studies, second supervisor: Fik Meijer, professor Ancient Maritime History & Maritime Archaeology). Internship at the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
1988-1989: Propedeuse (BA) History, University of Amsterdam.
1981-1988: Atheneum B: Jacob Roelands Lyceum, Boxtel, The Netherlands.